

Play piano and learn to understand first notes (PDF) Pete Breit
Learning notes for the whole familya (PDF) Pete Breit
Little Harmony teaching Electro-Book (PDF) Pete Breit
Kleine Harmony teaching Paper-Book (PDF) Pete Breit
Circle of fifths in two tables (PDF) Pete Breit
Guitar Techniques in the Approach (PDF) Pete Breit
My book recommendations (PDF) Pete Breit

YouTube Channel

YouTube Chanell with more than 100 episodes MusikDurchblick
The Videos from MusikDurchblick in Order MusikDurchblick

Web Sites

The topology of sounds E. Abend
Fundamentals of Piano Practice C.C. Chang
Online Course - Apprenticeship Sounds Marcus Gorski
Interactive circle of fifths Jörg Hochweber
Competent and a feast for the eyes Mike Jastrow
Music Teaching with Music Memo Game J. Kaiser-Kaplan
The Functional Harmony Theory Christian Köhn
a new song - Themes of music theory Viktor Lachmann
Music theory-to-go - Selected LinkCollection Stefan Meier
Musicians Place - Online School MusiciansPlace
1001 musical terms explained MusiklehreOnline
Music theory very dedicatedly worked out Musikzeit
Basics of music with a lot of fun Christian Probst
Music Teaching for Guitar - very seriously Gerhard Raabe
QuintenCircle - Scale Watches to make Klaus Rohwer
Online Music Dictionary - good index Frank Sauter
Guitar Tabs explained in detail Songsterr
Music Teaching - Contents Overview WIKIBOOK
List of musical symbols WIKIPEDIA
Pop "success recipe" & Jazz "too weird?" (PDF) Zeit Online


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