Keyboards & Digital-Pianos
We want to make your purchase decision a little easier...
Overview - Controller Keyboards up to 500 Euro (PDF)
Overview - Digital Pianos up to 500 Euro (PDF)
Overview - Digital pianos from 500 to 1000 Euro (PDF)
Overview - KeysInstruments manufacturer in Germany (PDF)
Overview - Comparison tests - Keyboards up to 500€ (PDF)
CURRENT - Information
bonedo - Test marathon - From beginner to arranger keyboard
Thomann - DigitalPianos - Online-Ratgeber in 12 Kapiteln
ELABORATIONS - Instructions - Reports - Research - and much more...
Instructions - Building an exact fit piano bench (PDF)
Instructions - Install 1A SoftWare Grand Piano Samples (PDF)
Elaboration - Playing piano & learning notes made easy (PDF)
Report - CakeWalk DAW with preliminary report on other DAWs (PDF)
Overview - Digital Pianos - Keyboards - MIDI Controller (PDF)
Invention - Keyboard chord tablatures for ASCII editors (PDF)
HomeRecording with new CASIO keyboard workstation (PDF)
Forums dealing with pianos, keyboards & recording
CASIO - Music Forums - Answers about Casio Keyboards and E-Pianos
clavio - Forum for Piano and Keyboard - Has competent answers
Heidruns Musikerseiten - Lot of good information - Hardware Yamaha
Keyboard Akademie - Forum - Blog - Software - Video Courses and Help
Keyboarder_forum by Musiker Lanze - Current topics - Well attended
mt MUSIKTREFF Klavier-Forum - Very up-to-date and well attended
musikerforum - Independent Forum for Musicians - By MusicStore
TAMINO-KlassikForum - Forum for Baroque - Classical - Romantic etc.
Magazines - Those who run a forum and deal with keys
RECORDING - The community of music makers - Part of the magazine
SEQUENCER - Sequencer and Synthesizer Forum - Vierlinteresantes
TONSTUDIO FORUM - Information for Musicians and Sound engineers
Complex topic - hammer action of wooden keyboards
clavio - Responses to the touch of the keys on the acoustic piano
Jörg Gedan - Pian-e-forte - Fachwissen rund um Piano & Flügel
Piano-Key-Guide - Vermittelt umfassendes Keyboard-Wissen - online
Schimmel explains his game in detail - PDF downloads with click
Thomann - Explains in eight chapters in great detail SAMPLES
WIKI - Explains piano hammer and stop mechanisms
WIKI - Explains the aftertouch on keyboards - The Other Mechanics
WIKI - Keyboard - A mechanism developed over centuries
WIKI - Touch piano - touch types and things to know
WIKI - TouchDynamics with many further links
Magazines and journals mainly dealing with electric pianos
and/or keyboards of all kind
Magazine for Music and Musicians
Jazz-Fun - Magazine for Jazz Music - With a lot of info around it
Magazine for Instruments
bonedo - The musician portal - Everything from the world of music
BuenasIdeas - Music production and home recording - Well done!
clavio - A piano portal in German language - A lot of interesting things
delmar - (self-proclaimed) trade magazine for musicians - reports etc.
KEYBOARDS - Electronic. Music. Instruments. - Reviews and more
PIANOO - Digital piano and piano advisor portal - Well done!
RECORDING - News - Reviews - Interviews - Workshop and Forum
RONDO - The Classical and Jazz Magazine - In German Language
SEQUENCER - Synthesizer, Sequencer, Nerdic Walking, Forum
tastenwelt - News - Test reports - Practice - And a lot more
Even if with most magazines in some form a sponsor is in it and/or behind it
sponsor is in it and/or behind it, it is quite obvious with Amazona.
offernsichtlich, managing director is Hans Thomann. With this,
even if not badly made sales magazine remains naturally
- an objective evaluation of the products - on the distance.
Amazona - From Thomann - Interestingly made sales magazine
So always exercise a fair amount of skepticism.
Four testers - three in English - have our appreciation!
When we are undecided with our opinion, we consult these
Four/five specialists for advice, most of whom have answers.
Simeon Amburgey - Brand independent - Tests very thoroughly
Stu Harrison - Tests for his own label - Merriam Music
Jeremy See - Independent - buys all boards from own money
James Pavel Shawcross - Is ThePianoForever - Milan Record Studio
Jörg Sunderkötter & Yacine Khorchi - From PIANOO
Klassika - Classical music sites here you find what you are looking for
Bauer-Music - 50 years of keyboard experience near Offenbach
Bechstein Cologne - In the newly remodeled Bechstein Centrum
Bonners-Music - The renowned piano dealer in United Kingdom
music elektronics - Sehr kompetententes Musikhaus in St. Gallen
Piano Faust - Celebrates 125th anniversary - Well sorted A & E pianos
Piano Lang - Raum Aachen - Fachmann mit Leidenschaft zum Piano
Piano Rummler - Meisterbetrieb in Bonn-Beul - Großer KAWAI Händler
Piano Schmitz - Recommends "Play yourselves happy" - Well sorted
Stainway & Sons - Second-hand or new Steinway pianos
People put your fingers away from private Internet sellers who do not take back anything.
take anything back. We also do not recommend any NoName products, even
even if they are advertised so full-bodied. Where China is on it,
is also China in it.
The house brands of the big German dealers are mostly
of decent quality, even if they (apart from the often favorable price) have
hardly have anything special to offer.
Die Klaviermachermeister - Letuha & Müller OG - Piano maker in Vienna
Klavier-Atelier - Gert Hecher - Restores historical pianos
Jonas and Bruno Kaiser are Piano Maker - With Sound in Blood
Piano Lang - Specialist piano store and master piano workshop
Piano Lang - Sensational YouTube Channel - There they are helped
PIANOVA - Blümke & Sund bring people and pianos together
PIANOVUM - M. Thron Master piano builder builds and restores pianos
Tobias J. Schmidt and son are Piano Atelier - Piano Restoration
KlavierAtelier YT-Channel with reports from repair & restoration
RotheDesign - Jendrik Rothe repairs and restores pianos
OnlinePianist - Virtual Online-Piano for PC-Keyboard
Piano teachers, of the many we have looked at, these are the ones that
convince us the most because of their good didactics. Of course, there
are other qualified piano teachers. However, we have only taken a
closer look at those, who offer the most comprehensive free
introduction to their lessons
Fanny Engelhart - Piano School - Large YouTube Video Collection
Thomas Forschbach - werdemusiker - Crash course and YouTube videos
Brendan Kavanagh is Dr. K - A versatile boogie woogie teacher
Marcel Maciej from Modern Music - Piano exercises with a lot of fun
Melanie Schaum - Learn to improvise easily and loosely !
Thorsten Schuchardt - His YT channel is a real treasure trove
Franz Titscher - Learning piano playfully with joy and success !
TEACHER - Generally and Boogie-Woogie
Fanny Engelhart - Fanny's Boogie Woogie a successful tutorial
Fraser Gartshore - Church organist shows us the boogie woogie
Brendan Kavanagh - Badass Boogie Bundle - 59 free lessons !
Marcel Maciej - Durchdachte & ausgereifte YouTube Lernvideos
Arthur Migliazza - Boogie Woogie in 9 lessons - Short and sweet
Dave Wave - Boogie Woogie explained in 2 minutes - Yes really
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